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Message from the Director


This website will serve as an introduction to the curriculum and the campus life of the school which has a good strength of students drawn from different backgrounds.

The D. N. Academy is a very selective institution. It possesses a reputation of high academic standards as well as a various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. This is  the most important factor that strikes to any visitor to the campus.

The well qualified and experienced faculty provides the basic infrastructure for imparting excellent education in both academics and co-curricular activities in the school.

The school provides a conductive atmosphere to develop latent talent in our children. The originality, creativity and the innovative ideas of the children are encourged.

Moral values, discipline and the moulding of character form an integral part of the school life at the D. N. Academy.

Will well equipped computer laboratories, libraries, playgrounds, boarding and transport facilties, the D. N. Academy stands out as one of the best educational institutions in the state.

Pradip Kumar Bhaiya,

D. N. Academy