9431154396 info@dnhighschooljamtara.com
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Welcome to D. N. High School

D. N. High School - Residential is one of the recent offshoots of institutions, with a mission to take the tradition of excellence & service to newer heights by imparting quality education to the young generations. Here we offer education upto std. X. A well-maintained and clean campus presents an ideal climate conductive to systematic learning. The institution pays close attention to the physical, intellectual and spiritual needs of students. The ethos of promotes a world view that embraces the entire humanity, in its multi-faceted splendour, 'we belong to one family'. Students from various socio-cultural backgrounds find it their home away from home.

Well-maintained & Clean Campus
Systematic Learning Curriculum
English Medium of Education
Co-curricular Activities & Sports
Digital Classroom Facilities
Residential Facilities

Recent Activities

Notice Board
  • Online Class Schedule

    All students of all classes are required to contact their class teacher regarding online classes. Class teacher have issues schedule of online classes via email and WhatsApp.

     Thursday, 02 March 2023
  • Admission Notice 2023

    Admission for all classes are open now. Please contact us on phone or visit our school office on weekdays.

     Thursday, 02 March 2023